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Weekly Rewind: March 14, 2020

Welcome to the Nano Gaming News Weekly Rewind for March 14, 2020 where we cover stories and events we missed over the past week.

Heading into mid-March things are getting a bit crazy in the world with COVID-19 and the increasing volume of event cancellations such as E3 2020. Yes, Your Grace made its Steam debut a little over a week ago with huge success. The Last Oasis has started their “Battle Cry” as a soon to be early access date has been set. Lastly, Forthright Entertainment has entered into a deal with Gunpowder Games to publish the PvP naval combat title, Maelstrom on PC.

For those that missed some of our stories over the past week here is a run down. 112 Operator set a release date for April. Dreadlands and Curse of the Dead Gods both entered early access on Steam. Retro arcade -like shooter Speed Limit dropped a demo and Granblue Fantasy: Versus held their global PC release on Friday.

Yes, Your Grace Huge Success

Yes, Your Grace Launch Trailer | No More Robots

Brave at Night and publishing label No More Robots are excited to announce that the opening weekend of Yes, Your Grace, the game broke $600,000 is revenue. In addition following the March 6 release on Steam and GOG, the game rose to the number one spot in the Global Top Sellers charts and sat in the top 10 for the entire weekend. All of this makes Yes, Your Grace one of the biggest video game launches of 2020.

Yes, Your Grace is now available on Steam with an 85% positive user review rating. The game is also available on GOG and is priced $19.99 USD on both sites. The Yes, Your Grace Soundtrack, priced $9.99 USD, is also available on Steam.

Console platform releases for Yes, Your Grace are coming later in 2020. For more information about Yes, Your Grace visit the developer’s website at

Last Oasis Release Date

Last Oasis Early Access Launch Date Reveal | Donkey Crew

The developers at Donkey Crew are unleashing their battle cry as their woodpunk-inspired nomadic survival MMO, Last Oasis, is set to enter early access on Thursday, March 26. When the game hits Steam, players will learn to keep moving as the world is burning and dying.

Set on Earth, thousands of years in the future where a cataclysmic event destroyed the moon and halted the rotation of Earth, survival is everything. Two harsh environments, desert and ice, straddle a narrow habitable strip of land that slowly moves as the planet rotates around the sun.

In order to survive, life must keep moving on the large walking city, Flotilla. Unwilling nomads, are sent into the passing oases to gather resources necessary for the city’s operations. Such dangerous missions leave few survivors.

Last Oasis will enter early access on Steam March 26, 2020. Players can wishlist the game now. For more information follow @OasisNomad on Twitter or join the Last Oasis Discord.

Maelstrom Publishing Deal

Maelstrom Early Access Release Trailer | Gunpowder Games

Forthright Entertainment announced on Tuesday, that it entered into a deal with developer Gunpowder Games to publish the free-to-play PvP naval combat game Maelstrom on PC. With the partnership, both will be able to deliver a rich roadmap and vision for the game that includes free updates and paid DLC.

The game features fast-paced naval battles that combine both PvP and PvE elements in a dark fantasy world of magic and mystical monsters. Players can captain ships of various types such as orc, dwarf and human. Through upgrades to both ships and crew one can become the most dominate ship on the Abyssal Ocean.

After a Kickstarter and early access period, Maelstrom was released on Steam as a free to play title in September 2019. Recently, at the beginning of February and then again in March, two paid DLC had been added to the game. The DLC introduced undead ships, new captains, along with several other new features and abilities.

Maelstrom is available free to play on Steam. The Dread Bundle and Undead Wraith Bundle are available as paid DLC at a regular price of $19.99 USD each. According the new game page on the publisher’s website, Maelstrom is coming to Xbox and Playstation in Spring 2020.

For more information on Maelstrom visit the developer’s website at or join the Gunpowder Games Maelstrom Discord.

Thank you for checking out the Nano Gaming News Weekly Rewind for March 14, 2020. Be sure to check back next Saturday for the latest edition of Nano Gaming News Weekly Rewind and until then stay safe!

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