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The Galactic Junkers Launches on PC and Xbox One

Green Man Gaming Publishing and indie developer Evil Twin Artworks today released their new comedic space adventure title, The Galactic Junkers. The game is available now on PC and Xbox One with PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch releases coming soon in early July.

After the Great Cataclysm destroyed the Earth in the distant future, humanity was forced to spread across space to survive. An unknown amount of time has since past and most humans are merely surviving. A few space captains have had enough this existence and want more. As one of these captains, players take off on a perilous journey to build a new life for both themselves and their crew.

While adventuring in space might sound like crazy fun, being a space captain is a lot of hard work. With the ship in need of repairs, a moody computer, and a crew of idiots players will have their hands full. Somehow the captain has a bounty on their head and the ship’s captain is being hunted by both space pirates and the Galactic Union.

Exploration is at the heart of the game with nine planets and their neighboring sectors up for exploration. Mysterious asteroids, abandoned shipwrecks, deadly pirates, and strange aliens are ready for discovery. Mining, salvaging, stealing, and trading are essential to gather resources and components necessary to keep the ship operational. Skipping maintenance routines is a recipe for disaster.

Various ship upgrades can help give engines a boost to escape the Galactic Union. Other upgrades may give guns more power to help take out those pesky pirates. Captains with a keen eye for a good deal can trade their ship for a better model. If players can evade capture or avoid blowing up the ship, they might live long enough to see what bigger destiny the cosmos has to offer.

In March of this year, the game’s developer Evil Twin Artworks launched The Galactic Junkers Kickstarter campaign to raise £15,000 in funds. About two weeks into the campaign on April 5, the Kickstarter campaign was canceled and the developer announced that they have been privately backed. Later that same month a global multiplatform publishing deal from Green Man Publishing was announced.

The Galactic Junkers is now available via Humble Bundle and Steam for Windows PC and on consoles for Xbox One with a price of $16.99/£12.99/€13.99. The PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch versions will be released in early July. Follow @GalacticJunkers on Twitter for more information.

Galactic Junkers Launch Trailer | Evil Twin Artworks

Green Man Gaming Publishing (@gmg_publishing Twitter) is a division of the multi-award-winning global video games retailer and technology business, Green Man Gaming. The publishing division works with independent developers to bring their great indie games to the marketplace.

Evil Twin Artworks (@ievilgames Twitter) is an indie game developer that creates PC and console games. Located in the South West England town of Swindon, the developer is currently busy working on their comedic space combat adventure The Galactic Junkers. The developer’s game portfolio also includes: Victory at Sea Ironclad, Victory at Sea Pacific, Man O’ War: Corsair, and the TIGA award winning Victory at Sea.

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