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Hammerting Overworld Update and Trailer

Warpzone Studios and Team17 bring new top-side content to the Mountains of Mara with the Overworld Update for Hammerting. The early access dwarven mining sim sets players off on an exploration, crafting, building and mining adventure both below and now above the ground. A brand new trailer, viewable below, highlights all of the big changes in this update.

In the Overworld Update or Update 6 for Hammerting a vast mountain of new overworld content has been added. There are different factions that control the different parts of the map. The various factions have relationships with each other and the dwarven mountain home. Relationships will change dynamically over the course of gameplay because of various factors.

Besides the new factions there are various Overworld locations. Different locations want different items and is heavily based on the type of location. Occasionally the demand for some items will be higher and the price paid will increase. Demand will also go down if a player buys a lot of a type of item. When trading with a location, Trade Levels are gained. With gained Trade Levels more area near the location is revealed and Trade Lore is gained.

The Overworld overhaul lays out a foundation for the developer to add more stuff in the future. A planned Quality of Life update is coming after the Overworld Update. In this following update players can loo forward to a dynamic mission system, a Trader profession, and several more improvements. For a more complete list of changes in the current update including balancing tweaks and bug fixes read the Update 6 patch notes here.

Hammerting is available as an early access game on Windows PC from SteamEpic Games Store and Humble Bundle for $24.99 USD. For more information about Hammerting follow @hammerting on Twitter or visit the game’s website at

Hammerting Overworld Update Trailer | Team17

Warpzone Studios (@WarpzoneStudios Twitter) is a game development studio based in Stockholm, Sweden. The studio was founded in 2016 by industry veterans Linda Kiby Zetterman and Fredrik Zetterman where they previously had worked for Avalanche Studios and Paradox Development Studio. In 2017 Anders Elfgren, who previously worked for Avalanche and Rockstar North, joined the team with five more joining as the studio works on its first title release, Hammerting.

Team17 Digital (@Team17 Twitter) is an international video game label and creative partner for independent developers. Founded in 1990 the Team17 portfolio comprises of over 100 games of which includes The EscapistsOvercookedYoku’s Island ExpressYooka-Laylee, and the Worms franchise.

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