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Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Update #5

Game developer 3DIVISION has released Update #5 for its self-published soviet-themed cold war city sim and builder, Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. This is the fifth major update from the indie developer since the game’s early access launch in March 2019.

In this update ships were heavily focused and finalized. Several new types of ships and harbors were added. Shipping containers has been added to move all the freight around with ease. Container packing and unpacking facilities move resources into containers for faster ship loading and unloading.

Trains also received additional updates. Longer trains are now here with help from a long railway depot. Visualization of train lines path has been improved. Signals allow trains to pass if the next bloc is engaged as long as the trains will not collide. Refueling has been overhauled with new search algorithms.

Don’t be fooled by the art for Update #5 and think that it is just all about ships. Seasons will add a whole new level of challenges for players. A new central heating system will help keep cities from freezing to death in the cold winters. One will want to monitor the heat output so that every citizen in the republic is kept warm. In addition snow plows will help keep the streets clear so that production is not hampered by snow delays.

The camera path finding algorithm has been updated for better smoothing and will now select the path with the less dense traffic. Small bus stops allowing for entering both sides at the same time. The 18MW electric pole is now higher. A full list of additional updates, changes and fixes in Update #5 can be found here.

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic including Content Update #5 is available on Steam as an early access game for $24.99 USD. The Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic soundtrack is also available for $2.99 USD. For more information on Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic visit the game’s website at

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Update #5 | 3DIVISION

3DIVISION (@3DIVISIONgames Twitter) is an independent game development company located in Kosice, Slovakia. The small company of freelance developers primarily focuses on PC and console games with over 10 years of experience. Past titles include Air Missions: HIND, Foosball: World Tour, and the Air Conflicts saga.