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Paradigm is Free on Epic Games Store

The point-and-click adventure Paradigm from Jacob Janerka is available for free this week on the Epic Games Store.

Set in the strange post-apocalyptic Eastern European country of Kursz, players step into the shoes of Paradigm. As a rather handsome mutant in the year 2026, Paradigm is about to run into his past that includes a genetically engineered candy-vomiting sloth.

Life for Paradigm began at DUPA Genetics, a company that sells designer children to the rich. During Paradigm’s development something went wrong leaving him horribly mutated. To save face and protect their reputation, DUPA dumped Paradigm in an old post Neo-Soviet town. Not to let this abandonment get him down, Paradigm took solace in music where he hopes to one day become the best electronic music artist in the world.

Unfortunately Paradigm’s past has caught up with him and now he must save the world instead of finishing his EP. On the journey he will encounter a range of interesting characters including a psychopathic superhero, an evil sloth, a secretary knight, and a glam metal cult leader pug.

Big super computers, space age furniture, and world saving floppy disks. The game takes influences from what people of the 1970s and 1980s thought the future would hold. In addition to a glam metal cult, the game features plenty of dark humor and mature themes. For example players can help a drug addict have a steamy date with a toaster.

Both surreal 2D graphics and classic point-and-click mechanics collide to form this 2017 single player adventure.

Paradigm is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux for free on the Epic Games Store until 8:00 AM PDT on May 5, 2022. The game is also available for purchase on Humble Bundle, Steam, and GOG for $14.99. Visit for more information about the game.

Paradigm – Release Trailer | Jacob Janerka

Jacob Janerka is a game developer and 2D artist. Janerka loves games, fantasy, sci-fi, and is the developer of Paradigm.

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