Team17 and developer Wonderscope Games added a whole new city centre area in the Super Shopping Update for the cozy community sim Hokko Life. This is the second update since the game’s June 2021 early access launch and follows the previously released early access roadmap.
A short train ride is all it takes to arrive at the newly constructed town centre location. Bringing a taste of the metropolitan lifestyle this area boasts a community store, department store seasonal store, and many other shops. At the community store players can share their own designs and pick up some new ones to add to their own Hokko community. Players can setup their own personal shop at the department store. Starting with Halloween themed items the seasonal store will offer a range of seasonal items at various points in the year.

Previously with the Farming Update, Wonderscope Games released an updated Early Access Roadmap. Along with Super Shopping the Village Chic, Farming, and Storage updates have been release. Future content updates from the roadmap include: Mayor Merits, Bug Bonanza, and Desert Island Distractions. For players who want to know more about the game check out our pre-Farming Update Hokko Life Review.
Hokko Life is available now in early access for Windows PC through Humble Bundle or Steam for $19.99 USD. A 25% off special promotion currently runs until November 1, 2021. For more information on Hokko Life visit the game’s website at, follow @hokkolife on Twitter or join the official Hokko Life Discord.
Team17 Digital Ltd (@Team17 Twitter) is an international video game label and creative partner for independent developers. Founded in 1990 the Team17 portfolio comprises of over 100 games of which includes The Escapists, Overcooked, Yoku’s Island Express, Yooka-Laylee, and the Worms franchise.
Wonderscope Games is solo developer studio based out of Stockholm, Sweden and sometimes Japan when it is too chilly. Founded by Robert Tatnell (@robbodev Twitter) who previously worked at Sony and Lionhead, the studio aims to deliver high-quality titles that promote player freedom and creativity.
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