Publisher NEOWIZ and developer Team Suneat released the katana-wielding character Darcy for their 2D pixel art cyberpunk action rogue-lite platformer Blade Assault. Other changes in the update include brand new stages, improvements to Elite Monsters, and much more.
Darcy has arrived in the dystopian Undercity. Raising the affinity stat through Armstrong at the Jazz bar will unlock the character. With the arrival of Darcy comes her nine weapon modifications allowing players a lot flexibility in the use of her unique ability set.
New stages have been added to the chapters. Stages that once appeared in fixed orders will now appear in random sequences. Each run will offer different combinations in each run. Elite Monsters will no longer have the Undying characteristic. Weapons now have basic weapon features. Players now have the option to skip the cutscene for bosses already encountered by the player. In addition some minor bugs affecting gameplay have been fixed.
The game was released in early June of this year as an early access title. Since release, several smaller patches and a roadmap have been posted. Details of future updates are listed through Q1 2022. For Q3 2021, players can expect to see the new playable characters of Darcy and Jenny along with new gear and new stages. This mid-August update delivers on the Darcy character and new stages.

Later in Q4 2021 Elite Monsters will receive adjustments according to risk level. The assault level will be expanded along with a new core combination system, new stages, and the introduction of a new playable character named Jett. Q1 2022 will include the official launch of the game with new chapters, new gear, and new passive skills. Beyond may include updates for new weapons.
Blade Assault is available in early access on Windows PC through Humble Bundle and Steam for $17.99 USD. A 15% off Darcy update celebratory promotion runs on Steam until August 18, 2021. At a yet to be announced date, Blade Assault will launch on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. For more information about Blade Assault visit the game’s Steam page or the game’s page on the developer’s website here.
Team Suneat (@SuneatTeam Twitter) is a small team of developers that are based in South Korea. Working together for four years, the team has dreamt about creating their own pixel-based action platformer that is now in development under the title of Blade Assault.
NEOWIZ (@neowizglobal Twitter) is a leading developer and publisher in South Korea. The Korean based headquarters are located in Seongnam – Pangyo, South Korea, and the company’s global publishing headquarters are located in Seattle. Founded in 1997 the company has worked on a wide range of projects including FIFA Online, NBA Street, and Battlefield Online.
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