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Simpocalypse Manages the Post-Apocalypse

Indie game developer Gamex Studio is trying to manage the post-apocalypse with the early access release of Simpocalypse. The era of technological advancement and civilization is over, now is the era of survival in this 4X clicker sim.

A post nuclear war world where survival requires fast action greats players as they enter the game. Technical advancements have stopped and only limited basic resources lay scattered across the wastelands. To survive, players are forced to constantly expand into neighboring territories to find resources to keep their civilization alive. Unfortunately some areas will be occupied by other civilizations trying to survive as well which will lead to conflict.

Players are faced with a strong moral obligation during their gameplay. Failure to distribute survivors on the appropriate job tasks will lead the end of one’s settlement. To become a new global empire one will have opportunity to show off their leadership skills while completing various challenges and growing their settlement.

Key features of the game include a deep dive into managerial, strategy, tycoon, and optimization elements of the simulation genre. Survival is everything as one works to rebuild the pillars of modern civilization through the recovery of modern social, economic and military structures. Managing citizens, choosing which path on the massive research tree, and manipulating the trade markets will help get that edge over other competing and rising settlements. In the end, military might is always a valuable tool for global domination.

In these times, it is better to feel the post-apocalyptic ambiance in the game itself, than to feel it in reality. We started working on Simpocalypse even before Covid hit our country and decided to develop the game in a darker, post-apocalyptic ambiance as the narrative presented a ton of interesting mechanics to be explored. But, not everything is so dark within the game! We were working more on the managerial resource management mechanics, so everyone that loves to play any type of managerial, tycoon, incremental games, or strategy games, may find this game a hot game to pick up to play in December!

Rok Jeseničnik and Andraž Vene, Directors of Gamex Studio

Simpocalypse is now available as an early access release on Steam for Windows and Linux with a Mac release coming soon. A full release is planned at the end of Q1-Q2 2021. At the time of this article a demo for the game is still available on and ArmorGames. For more information about Simpocalypse visit the game’s website at

Simpocalypse – Official Early Access Trailer | Gamex Studio

Gamex Studio (@Gamex_studio Twitter) is a game development studio based out of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Previously the young company worked on contractual game development for other projects and now have begun branching out with their own titles such as War Clicks, Arena Raiders and now their Steam debut title Simpocalypse.