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RUNE II: Decapitation Edition Hits Steam

Studio 369 and publisher Ragnarok Game LLC have unleashed their berserker Viking title RUNE II with a Decapitation Edition on Steam. The previously Epic Games exclusive brings all the chaos Loki has unleashed upon Midgard in this hack, slash and bash Viking themed RPG.

After being resurrected and redesigned by Studio 369, RUNE II has all the elements worthy of a Viking adventure. In addition for those who purchase this edition before November 30, 2020 they will receive the Dragon Armor DLC set for free, a $6.99 USD value. Other weapon packs are available; Molten, Blood and Ice are available for $3.99 USD.

We had a good game plan last year before we were blindsided the likes and timing of which I have never seen in my decades in the gaming industry. Our disbelief, however, turned to resolve, which we relied on as the catalyst for the passion and drive to make RUNE II: Decapitation Edition, and every aspect – visuals, gameplay, narrative, online multiplayer and so on – has been redesigned and vastly improved. We especially want to thank the Rune community that HAD OUR BACKS and provided great feedback to help us deliver this new amazing game. We could not have battled through this process without your patience, loyalty, and trust.

Matt Candler, President, Studio 369

In this Decapitation Edition the main narrative has seen a massive overhaul including a new overarching story with four main chapters that dives deep into a tale of betrayal, rebirth, and revenge. Numerous side quests have been added that compliments the linear story.

Within the depths of Midgard an ancient evil now awake. Inspired by classic RUNE, the dungeons will challenge all with a gauntlet of enemies, changing platform sequences, and monstrous bosses. Those who can brave and survive the depths will find rare loot.

The Norse gods lend their power to one’s aid with a skill tree system that features unique abilities. Over 28 abilities centered around a player’s chosen deity can be chosen with gained experience. Naturally one can simply reject the gods and go down the path of the heathen.

All the land of Midgard has seen a toll by the chaos. Players can gather resources and help rebuild and repair the damaged villages. Longhouses, forges, and other buildings can be constructed to help secure and restore communities who will be a great help when rallied behind the fight against Loki’s horde. In the end players must face off against the one who caused all the chaos and that is the trickster god himself Loki.

RUNE II: Decapitation Edition is out now on Steam. Previously, RUNE II was exclusively available on the Epic Games store for Windows PC with the Standard Edition, Berserker Rage, and God Slayer editions priced at $29.99, $39.99 and $59.99 USD respectively.

More information can be found on the game’s website at, on the Rune II official Discord, or @PlayRune on Twitter.

RUNE II: Decapitation Edition Launch Trailer | Studio 369, Ragnarok Game, LLC

Studio 369 is a California based game development studio that was founded to take over the Live Ops and Development on RUNE II. The founders have deep industry experience in Unreal and online games with the team previously having worked for Activision, EPIC GAMES, Midway, Paramount Pictures, Skybound, Phosphor, Daybreak, SONY, Buddha Jones, and Alcon Entertainment.

Ragnarok Game LLC (@RagnarokGameLLC Twitter) is the Delaware based publisher of RUNE II.