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Among Ripples Eco Sim “Life of Pike” Trailer

Eat Create Sleep has dropped a Life of Pike trailer on YouTube for their eco simulation, Among Ripples, that is currently running a Kickstarter. In addition a demo is available to try on Steam.

The game takes place at a point in the future where humanity has decided to combat climate change and other ecological disasters. In game, the players team of scientists is a part of the Freshwater Biome Restoration Division that works to build, repair and maintain an ecosystem of lakes and rivers that include their flora and fauna.

Developers at Eat Create Sleep are working with real ecologists to create a simulation of something that can happen in the real world. The setting is located in a part of Scandinavia, mostly Sweden. Other regions of the world may be explored in future expansions and games.

In the newly released Life of Pike trailer, Martin, the Creative Director of Eat Create Sleep talks about how pike live and what the fish does to survive. In a way the trailer plays like a short nature documentary. Also, more details about the game are explained relating to what was discussed about the pike in terms of living and game mechanics.

Currently in the middle of their Kickstarter campaign, Among Ripples: Shallow Waters is seeking funds to help bring the game across the finish line. Along with the prototype demo that served as a proof of concept, most of the art style and game design are done. Now is the time to build the final game.

To play the prototype demo of Among Ripples: Shallow Waters visit the game’s Steam page and download the demo. For more information about Among Ripples visit the developers website at The game’s Kickstarter started on February 18, 2020 and will run until March 20, 2020. At the time of this article the campaign has raised about 25% of the funding goal with 233 backers.

Among Ripples: Shallow Waters – Life of Pike Trailer | Eat Create Sleep

Eat Create Sleep (@EatCreateSleep Twitter) is an indie game studio that is located in the medieval town of Visby, Sweden. Founded in 2014, the team’s focus is on innovative gameplay experiences with a lot of heart and meaningful themes. The roots of Among Ripples development date back to early 2013.