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Search for Surf Catches Early Access Wave

Search for Surf, an open world 3D physics based surfing video game experiences has paddled on over to early access on Steam.

New to surfing, no problem. At the beginner break players can start with gentle consistent waves that allow them to learn. Waves never stop so one must learn how to handle the ocean by paddling over and duck diving under waves. Players will need to figure out where to sit to catch breaking waves and there is a handy learn to surf video to help learn.

Surfing is physics based. Waves pushes the surfer and the surfer gains speed from the wave. Maneuvers a surfer can do are based on the wave and how they position themself on a given wave. These factors give surfers the opportunity to be creative from doing a big bottom turn and stall into the critical section or a pump for speed and do a big cutback. Whatever a surfer decides to do depends on the wave, their ability, and their skill.

Once a player learns to surf at the beginner break they can start exploring more challenging breaks. At the Tiki Hut on land, players can change their character. Jumping off the cliffs into the lineup and paddling over to their free jet ski lets the player explore other islands, breaks, and ride waves.

While exploring players can scan the shoreline for breaks. There are six breaks with each having different waves that vary in size and length. Players can catch massive peaks at the reef or a ripping fast right off the sandbar. Night surfing is available and players will want to watch out for rocks. In the end players are encouraged to try all the breaks and find their wave.

A demo is available to play at the Search for Surf page on

Search for Surf is now available in Early Access on Steam at a price of $12.99 USD for PC and Mac. A special 25% off early access promotion runs until September 17 setting the game’s price at $9.74 USD. The latest information about Search for Surf can be found on the game’s website at

Search for Surf Game Trailer

Ed Marx is one of two developer’s working on Search for Surf. Based out of Oxnard, California the developer has always been drawn to surfing. After a couple of years of developing skills time was finally right to begin work on a realistic surfing game with the game’s foundation being a realistic wave system.

Caden Goodwin is the second developer working on Search for Surf. Past titles released by Goodwin include Aesthetic Arena, a wave based shooter, and Boom Island, a first person shooter with explosive beach balls.