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King of the Castle Launches Multiplayer Story Game

Team17 along with London-based Tributary Games have released their narrative-driven multiplayer medieval party game, King of the Castle, on PC. Twitch-hosted games can have Noble players with their Twitch accounts voice their thoughts using the platforms chat and discuss issues or threats facing or the crown.

Take up the mantle of Monarch or one of the Council of Nobles hailing from one of the five unique regions in a fictional fantasy kingdom. Both the Monarch and Nobles set out to work together or against each other in a carefree world of fantasy and political intrigue. Often with hilarious consequences, players will attempt to steer the fate of the unstable empire.

The game’s host is assigned the role of Monarch who works through a series of mini storylines filled with unique challenges. Often these storylines have far reaching consequences. As Monarch, players need to balance the competing demands from Nobles, watch out for political unrest or revolts, use whatever means, including not so peaceful options, to survive difficult votes, and ensure a lasting legacy for their empire.

Players can use Twitch Mode where up to 3,000 viewers can use chat to play as Nobles. At the beginning of each game, players are assigned a unique homeland and can voice their thoughts and opinions via Twitch chat. In chat they can discuss dilemmas faced by the crown or even plan not-so-secret uprisings while voting on key decisions. The Monarch however can determine if these votes have any impact or legitimacy.

Party Game mode allows for a small party of 3 to 24 players to play together. Only the host will need to own a copy of King of the Castle. Everyone else can join using their mobile device or web browser via a unique access code to participate in on the story and fun.

In King of the Castle, can write their own legacy as they play through hundreds of unique medieval fantasy stories. With each having their own characters and choices, all players will have an impact on the kingdom. Will this empire last or will it burn with the king losing their head?

King of the Castle is available now on PC via Humble Bundle and Steam for $4.99 / £3.99 / €4.99. For more information like @kotc_game on Twitter, follow @KingOfTheCastleGame on Facebook, or visit

King of the Castle – Launch Trailer | Team17

Team17 (@Team17 Twitter, @Team17 Facebook, YouTube) is an international video game label and creative partner for independent developers. Founded in 1990, the Team17 portfolio comprises of over 100 games of which includes The Escapists, Overcooked, Yoku’s Island Express, Yooka-Laylee, and the Worms franchise.

Tributary Games (@TributaryGames Twitter, @tributarygames Twitch, YouTube) is an indie games studio based in London, England. The developer focuses on collaborative storytelling and innovative multiplayer experiences using roleplaying, imaginations, and complex social dynamics. King of the Castle is the studio’s debut game.

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