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Deck of Ashes Explores the Camp

As the April 11 Early Access release of AYGames Deck of Ashes approaches more has been revealed with an exploration of the Camp.

Adventurous players in the turn-based RPG deck-building game can rest their weary heads in the safety of the Camp. At the Camp, all of a player’s needs are met with a variable cast of allies. A range of goods and services are offered at the Camp that help players beef up their Battle Decks.

Products offered by the allies are updated each in-game day so players would be wise to visit the Camp to fully heal or recover cards for free.

At the Camp players will find four allies: The Ash Master, Herbalist, Merchant, and Blacksmith.

The Ash Master is a Prophet who helps guide players to Lady Death. Using their powers, The Ash Master can revive cards spent in battle, perform the Ritual of Resurrection that prevents permadeath, and send cards to the Deck of Ashes where they can be restored at any time.

Acting as both a healer and an alchemist, the Herbalist can restore a player’s health. They can also treat diseases contracted from adventuring and provide a boost to key attributes such as max health, speed, and strength.

The Camp’s peddler is the Merchant. Recipes can be bought by the Merchant and exchange resources for others. Upgraded Merchants can buy resources with gold.

The Blacksmith is responsible for creating cards that van be used in a players Battle Deck. In addition, the Blacksmith can destroy cards and in the process give players a small amount of Ash in return. Ash in turn can be used to craft other cards. Talents and passive abilities are acquired from the Blacksmith such as the ability to increase critical hit by 10%.

Upgrades are purchasable in a skill tree for each Camp ally using the various resources collected from a players adventures. Some upgrades even can change the outcome of the game. Upgraded allies offer more in-game currency for their items and unlock higher-tier services.

Deck of Ashes will enter Steam Early Access on April 11, 2019.

AYGames (@AygamesO Twitter) is an independent game studio based in Russia. The studio’s goal is to release quality and interesting games to the market place. The team currently has 12 members each whom are talented professionals looking to show their skills off to the world.

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