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Oxygen Not Included Spaced Out DLC Release Date

Klei Entertainment has set a release date for the first DLC to Oxygen Not Included with Spaced Out! In this paid early access DLC the universe of Oxygen Not Included is about to expand with new planetoids, transport sources, and the ability to manage multiple worlds.

This past February the developer announced their team was working on a new DLC update. With the DLC update news they teased a few features and went on to say that “this DLC is going to be quite sizable.” The new megacolony and multi-world gameplay definitely fits the sizable claim.

What is known about the the DLC comes from a handful of sources including the official Klei forums for Oxygen Not Included and the open alpha testing currently ongoing before the early access release of Spaced Out! Besides the previously mentioned features comes expanded rocketry, new critters, new biomes, new resources, new technologies, UI improvements, and yet to be implemented features.

The technology tree for the game has seen a massive overhaul. Most of the core components of rocketry are under colony development now. The second research tier opens up telescopes to let players start exploring the universe around their home fairly early on. The skill tree has also been modified to accommodate this change with Astronomy being a second tier skill and Rocket Piloting a first tier skill.

Other changes include sulfur as a map resource as well as mud, polluted dirt and polluted mud. Mud and polluted mud can be converted to water and dirt or polluted water and polluted dirt with the new Sludge Press.

New critters have been added. The Sweetle consumes sulfur to create sucrose while the Grubgrub will consume sucrose and sulfur to produce mud. Plug Slugs is a new critter that at night can generate small amounts of power for the base and stored in batteries. A note on sucrose is that not only can it be used as a food source in refinement but it also is an energy source with the new Sugar Engine for rocketry.

Future plans for the DLC include the addition of radiation and nuclear systems. Currently very few of these systems are in the alpha testing. It is known that corium will be added at some point and will require a new fourth tier of digging called Hazmat Digging. Late-game planetoids and rocketry still needs to be implemented as the focus has been primarily on early and mid-game support for these features. In the future rare resources and sustainability will be address with geyser and resource distribution.

The Spaced Out! DLC for Oxygen Not Included is set for an early access release date on December 8, 2020 for $12.99 USD. Additional details about the DLC and current public alpha test can be read here on the Oxygen Not Included community forums.

Oxygen Not Included’s base game is currently available on Steam for $24.99 USD on PC, Mac OS, and Linux. For more information about Oxygen Not Included visit the game’s page here.

Oxygen Not Included Launch Trailer | Klei Entertainment

Klei Entertainment (@klei Twitter) is an independent studio based in Vancouver, Canada. The studio has previously released hit tittles such as Don’t Starve, Mark of the Ninja, and Invisible, Inc.

Updated December 8, 2020 7:45 PM: Corrected the DLC price. Was stated at $14.99 USD when the correct DLC price is $12.99 USD.