Publisher Raiser Games and developer 34BigThings are getting behind the COVID-19 fight in the #StayAtHome campaign by offering Goat of Duty for free. The free download lasts is to encourage people to stay home and #FlattenTheCurve.
Much of the world has entered some sort of a lockdown. Cafes, pubs, theaters and so much more are now closed as people need to stay at home. Keeping people away from other people is a vital tool in preventing further escalation of COVID-19. Many European countries, including Spain and Italy, where Raiser Games and 34BigThings are right in the middle of the COVID-19 battle.
In Spain and particularly in Italy, lockdowns on public movement in order to slow down to spread of COVID-19 have been in place for some time. It’s a proven method to stem the rise in new cases, as plenty of people may have COVID-19 and be entirely unaware, passing it on to other, more vulnerable people unknowingly while out and about. If having a game to play when people are at home relaxes them at what is a stressful time for everyone, then we’re happy to play out part.
Ivano Zanchetta, Game Director, Goat of Duty
Now while working at home, it is tempting outside of work hours for people to want to venture out and live their normal routines. In effort help keep indoors and based off experiences from both Raiser Games and 34BigThings decided to make the online multiplayer shooter, Goat of Duty available to all for free for the next two weeks.
Giving people something to do while they’re at home – whether to keep their spirits up or to keep them from heading out – is a genuine priority right now, and publishers can and should do their part when it’s financially viable for them to do so.
Sergio de Benito, Head of Marketing, Raiser Games
In the past, Goat of Duty held a free to play weekend of Steam. For players who participated then or even missed the event, now is the time to grab some friends, #StayAtHome, and let the gaming begin as everyone bleats the heck out of each other.
Goat of Duty is available on Steam free to download and keep for those who get the game before 10 AM, March 31, 2020. The early access game is regularly priced at $9.99 USD and available on PC. Players are encouraged to join the official Goat of Duty Discord server to learn more.
34BigThings (@34bigthings Twitter) was founded in 2013. Currently 34BigThings is one of the biggest independent game studios in Italy. Based in Turin the studio was born out of the sheer passion and self-sustained throughout as the dedicated group of developers make games they love on all major platforms.
Raiser Games (@RaiserGames Twitter) is made up of a team of talented industry veterans and newcomers that have published over 200 games from 17 different countries for PC, consoles, and mobile devices.