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Astroneer Launches Lunar Update

Another update is headed to System Era Softworks’ Astroneer, this time it is the Lunar Update ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing.

More than 3 million players have participated in the interplanetary sandbox survival game since release and now for a limited time they can encounter the Apollo Lunar Module lander spacecraft, better known as the Eagle, on Desolo. Space explorers have until August 31, 2019 to unlock a vintage-themed spacesuit palette and visor honoring the heroic crew of Apollo 11.

Additionally, in remembrance of these inspirational space pioneers, the Apollo Lunar Module in game will take photos of players in the vintage style of the Apollo TV camera. The camera was mounted on the Eagle spacecraft and was the device that captured humanity’s first few steps on the moon. Players are encouraged to share their photography with the #ApolloAstroneer tag.

Players who venture out and find the Lunar Module will be treated with over an hour of the iconic audio of the Apollo 11 mission that captures the emotion and mystique. Two distinct radio transmissions feature different content that lets players hear the conversations from Mission Control on the ATG channel or listen to Mike Collins talk to Mission Control from the Lunar Module on the Flight Loop channel.

The wonder and optimism of space travel fuels the adventures of Astroneer, which our intrepid community has come to adore. No event in history better captures this spirit than the Apollo 11 mission, the heroism and dedication of which inspire our development. We’re tremendously humbled by the mission’s legacy and excited to pay respect to them in our own way.

Joe Tirado, Communications Director for System Era Softworks

Along with the Lunar Update, Astroneer jumps from the Summer Update version to and has several new storage and platform options. New to this patch are the Medium T-Platform and Large T-Platform along with Large Storage Silo A and Large Storage Silo B. Additionally Airbags carrying Fireworks that spawn in groups of three with each having three fireworks can be found on the various planets. Each planet has its own unique fireworks color and the Airbags can’t be picked up and are not shreddable.

Several quality of life changes made it into the Lunar Update. Rovers can now be flipped without leaving the vehicles. Pressing F1 on the keyboard or XXXX on a gamepad will open the Astropedia. New and updated tooltips and descriptions for mutant seeds and wrecked point of interest platform legs can be shredded in the Medium Shredder.

As with most updates several bug fixes and performance optimizations have been included. One change of note introduces a fix to the save system to work around the 16MB save file size limit on Xbox and UWP. Players will still be unable to save if they create a save file larger than 128MB in size or if the size of all of their save files is greater than 256MB minus the size required to save their current session.

Full patch notes can be seen on the System Era Softworks Astroneer forums under the Lunar Update post.

Astroneer is currently available on Xbox One and on Humble Bundle or Steam for PC for $29.99 USD. The game is currently on sale through Steam for 25% off beginning Friday, July 19 until Monday, July 22.

Astroneer Lunar Update Trailer | System Era Softworks

System Era Softworks (@SES_dev Twitter) is an independent game development studio based out of Seattle, Washington. Inspired by space-exploration and possessing an optimistic view of space-age futurism, the System Era Softworks team strives to build games that motivate future generations of spacefarers.

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