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ATLAS Off To A Rocky Start With Player Backlash

The much hyped 40,000 plus ultimate pirate survival MMO is in rough waters with jagged rocks as player backlash continues with voiced frustrations.

At the time of writing this article, Grapeshot Games latest Early Access Game ATLAS, has received 9,558 reviews. Currently standing with a Mostly Negative rating with only 23% of the reviews being positive.

Players are not happy and in a year filled with misfires, mishaps, and miscues from major studios such a Blizzard Entertainment with Diablo Immortal or Bethesda with a plagued Fallout 76, they are voicing their complaints loudly. Some are claiming that ATLAS is a reskin of ARK: Survival Evolved, while others claim it was originally a DLC for ARK.

One commenter on Steam went as far as doing a brief game history in their negative review:

Brief history of this game:
1. Games gets announced and a countdown starts that leads to a December 13th release
2. Two days before “release”, the game gets pushed back to the 19th at 3 pm PST. A trailer is promised before launch.
3. 30 minutes after the supposed release, countdown being over and over 200k people waiting on twitch, we get a trailer and the game gets pushed back to the 21st.
4. The devs say streamers will have acces in the night between the 20th and the 21st.
5. Game gets pushed back on the 22nd at 12 PM PST
6. Streamers receive keys and can start playing at 5 AM, after another delay of 7 hours.
7. Game gets released on steam at 12: 30 PM PST, so 30 minutes late.
8. Most people can’t seem to buy the game and once they do their is no servers at all.
9. It is now 4 PM and nobody can play because all servers are down.

When you have a company that doesn’t give a♥♥♥♥♥♥about his customers, removed negative reactions, muted channels and banned over 1000 people of their official discord, there is no way i can recommend this game to anyone.


Another commenter discovered a hidden menu that connects ATLAS to originally being a DLC for ARK.

Opened a hidden Ark Menu in the Main Menu screen with a controller.
Clicked on “OCEAN” under the list of ARK DLC’s.
Clicked on “Start In Singleplayer”
Game booted in a single player mode and threw me into the character creator screen.

This game was originally a DLC planned for ARK, but because all the hardcore ARK players bought the season pass then that means they won’t get money, so they released this piece of trash to take as much money from you as possible with little to no effort. Please stay away from this game, don’t support the developers!


ATLAS has a release price of $24.99 USD with a regular price of $29.99. Which is about half price of a regular game such as ARK at a price of $49.99. However, it should be noted that ARK expansions are regularly $19.99 USD and for players who bought the regular priced season pass for ARK at $44.99 would have received ATLAS for free if ATLAS was released as an ARK DLC.

Players have noticed that by releasing ATLAS as a separate game Grapeshot Games is bypassing the ARK season pass. Some players have even voiced their complains in ARK steam reviews.

Hey Ark, I believe you owe me a copy of Atlas as it is DLC for Ark that you repackaged and tried to sneak under the radar. You dont fool us.

Ostego! God Of War!

Regardless of whether ATLAS is a reskin or a former DLC, in a year of meme-filled blunders from bigger studios, smaller studios cannot follow in similar steps without facing player backlash.

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