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Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Crime Scene Update and Multipurpose Vehicle DLC

Publisher astragon Entertainment and German developer Aesir Interactive have released Update 11, the free Crime Scene update for Police Simulator: Patrol Officers. Plus a new Multipurpose Police Vehicle DLC is available for purchase.

How players interact with crime scenes on the busy streets of the fictional metropolis of Brighton has changed. The Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Crime Scene update now make players directly responsible for the safety and initial procedures as a first responder to a crime scene. With the introduction of callouts, players can designate a major crime scene as a robbery or an assault.

New tools such as securing poles and tape will help to ensure that the crime scene is secure and evidence is preserved. Evidence markers allow players to document and photograph the scene, which will aid their investigation and help track down wanted suspects.

Collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and securing the crime scene allow a progress bar to fill allowing more details of the wanted suspect to be revealed. After the investigation is completed and a full progress bar is achieved, the search for suspects begins.

While out looking for suspects, players may opt to use the new Multipurpose Police Vehicle. Available in a premium DLC for $2.99 / £2.49 / €2.99, the Multipurpose Police Vehicle is a new car that allows players to move civilian vehicles that were damaged in accidents or those who are violating the law. The vehicle includes an increased trunk inventory size and is available on all platforms and a trailer is available for viewing on the astragon YouTube channel.

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Availability

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers is available on Windows PC through Steam for $29.99 / £24.99 / €29.99. The console version of Police Simulator: Patrol Officers is available digitally on PS4 and PS5 for PlayStation and on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S for Xbox for $39.99 / £34.99 / €39.99. Physical copies are available for both PlayStation and Xbox at popular retailers.

For more information follow @PolSimulator on X (formerly Twitter), @PoliceSimulator on Facebook, @PoliceSimulator on Instagram or visit the game’s website at

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – The Crime Scene Update – Release Trailer | astragon

Publisher and Developer Information

astragon Entertainment GmbH (@astragon_games X (formerly Twitter), @astragon Facebook, @astragon_entertainment Instagram, Discord, YouTube) is a leading German game publisher and a subsidiary of Team17 Group PLC. Founded in 1998 and based in Duesseldorf since 2019, the company’s main focus is on developing and publishing sophisticated working simulation games. Since 2023, the German game development studio Independent Arts Software has been a part of astragon Entertainment.

Aesir Interactive (@AesirInteractiv X (formerly Twitter), @aesirinteractive Facebook, YouTube) is a German development studio based in Munich. The company employs over 35 passionate designers, artists, and programmers. Using the Unreal Engine, Aesir uses its diverse team to craft memorable experiences through elegance, discipline, and excellence.

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