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King of the Castle Democracy Manifest Update

Team17 along with London-based Tributary Games have released the free Democracy Manifest update for the narrative-driven multiplayer medieval party game, King of the Castle. The version 1.2 update adds three new Schemes along with dozens of new events.

Three new Schemes for all Regions, including a Loyalist Scheme for winning Regions. Who has time for Schemes? If a region wins the game, then in the next reign they can opt to support the favored Monarch. However, voting for the Loyalist option may backfire if there becomes a difference of opinion with the Monarch.

The other two Schemes are Sorcery and Uprising. With the Sorcery Scheme, players can recruit a wizard to their cause. Every region can bribe their different wizard in their attempt to win the throne. For players who like to have the people on their side, there is the Uprising Scheme. Under this Scheme, Nobles can rally the common folk in the form of a revolution and attack the Monarch’s foundations.

King of the Castle Democracy Manifest - New Schemes | Team17, Tributary Games
King of the Castle Democracy Manifest – New Schemes | Team17, Tributary Games

Premium Nobles, better known as anyone who owns the game, can now choose which region they want to join at the game’s start. This feature works in both Party Games and Twitch modes. To deal with balancing issues, the Monarch can rebalance the Regions before starting the game with a button click. There are several secret commands on Twitch that can be used instead and awaiting discovery by the community.

King of the Castle Democracy Manifest - Premium Nobles | Team17, Tributary Games
King of the Castle Democracy Manifest – Premium Nobles | Team17, Tributary Games

A total of 59 new events have been added to the game including ‘The Rightful Heir’ event chain that introduces a tale of revenge against those who try to usurp the throne. An imprisoned noble break out event titled ‘Jailbreak’ will cause havoc in the kingdom. Several smaller events such as a ‘Hunting Ban Repeal’ or ‘Bear Death’ are included in the newly added events.

Larger, easier to read screens aid in improved readability across the game’s UI. This includes larger Challenge icons, resized text and choices in Events, larger Stat icons in Votes, and a large choice sections in the initial setup of a Vote.

King of the Castle Democracy Manifest - New Schemes | Team17, Tributary Games
King of the Castle Democracy Manifest – New Schemes | Team17, Tributary Games

Other changes include 40 new shields for players to use. Nineteen of the designs were contributed by streamers. Several new backing tracks from musician Hassan DuRant are in the update. Many quality of life changes and bug fixes are also in the update. A more complete list of changes in the King of the Castle Democracy Manifest update can be found here.

King of the Castle Availability

King of the Castle is available now on PC via Humble Bundle and Steam for $4.99 / £3.99 / €4.99.

With the Democracy Manifest release comes news that starting on July 24, 2023, King of the Castle‘s price will increase to $9. The price hike is necessary for the long-term survival of the game as well as continued support and expansion. Until the price increase takes effect, the game will be available at a discount.

For more information like @kotc_game on Twitter, follow @KingOfTheCastleGame on Facebook, or visit

King of the Castle – Launch Trailer | Team17

Publisher and Developer Information

Team17 (@Team17 Twitter, @Team17 Facebook, YouTube) is an international video game label and creative partner for independent developers. Founded in 1990, the Team17 portfolio comprises of over 100 games of which includes The Escapists, Overcooked, Yoku’s Island Express, Yooka-Laylee, and the Worms franchise.

Tributary Games (@TributaryGames Twitter, @tributarygames Twitch, YouTube) is an indie games studio based in London, England. The developer focuses on collaborative storytelling and innovative multiplayer experiences using roleplaying, imaginations, and complex social dynamics. King of the Castle is the studio’s debut game.

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