System Era, after just three weeks from the Exploration Update, has released the Wanderer Update along with details of the roadmap ahead.
In the Explorer Update players saw several important changes and the announcement that Astroneer is coming to the PS4 on November 15, 2019. Included in those changes was addition of the Hydrazine Jet Pack, Solid-Fuel Jump Jet, Small Camera, Glowsticks, Reaction Slots, and more platforms among a list of bugfixes and quality of life improvements. However, in that update players had to say goodbye to the lunar lander introduced in the Lunar Update.
Now in the Wanderer Update there is a bit of vagueness with the patch notes as System Era wants to keep the secret under wraps. That secret possibly having to do with the new Scanner added. As seen in Astroneer Wanderer Update Trailer below there is a new scanner attached to the backpack. Viewers also will see the Astroneer wander around exploring some new crashed objects from space and a familiar space beep sound often heard in space related media. One could imagine that by exploring the various worlds the new mystery of what is going on might be revealed.
As for the rest of the Wanderer Update players can look forward to additional Suit and Wanderer palettes that is a secret, but is unlockable while completing the Wanderer experience. A new figurine platform has been added that costs 1 iron, 2 steel, and 1 aluminium alloy. The EXO Holographic Figurine itself costs 1 plastic. Stone figurine pieces can be found on specific planets with special Lapis and Jasper versions on specific planets.
In addition two new platforms have been added, the Large Curved Platform and Extra Large Curved Platform. Two new camera filters for the small camera had been added for more photo fun. A handful of quality of life improvements and bugfixes have been included. The Boost Mod affecting tool speed when combined with Narrow or Wide mods regardless of order or slot. Beacons now have 10 colors up from 6 and T1 Platforms have oxygen rails.
A full list of changes in the Astroneer Wanderer Update can be found on the System Era forums.
System Era also dropped the Astroneer 2019 Roadmap that outlines several new updates to come this past week. Most notably are the ones scheduled for October and November titled the Groundwork and Creative updates. December is listed as an unknown update. A livestream VOD is available on Twitch where Joe Tirado and Veronica Peshterianu of System Era cover the roadmap and answer some questions.
Astroneer is currently available on Humble Bundle or Steam for PC and the Xbox One for $29.99 USD. The Wanderer Update for Astroneer was made available for PC and Xbox on September 26, 2019.

System Era Softworks (@SES_dev Twitter) is an independent game development studio based out of Seattle, Washington. Inspired by space-exploration and possessing an optimistic view of space-age futurism, the System Era Softworks team strives to build games that motivate future generations of spacefarers.
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