Overnight the Fortnitemares Part 3 Challenge had an interesting glitch that allowed players 35 free tiers.
On the Fortnite subreddit Epic Games posted that they had fixed the issue and players who already earned the extra tiers would be allowed to keep them.
We have just released a fix for some of the Part 3 Fortnitemares challenges that were granting Battle Stars instead of XP. Please be aware, the UI will still show the reward as Battle Stars until the next update. This was our goof and you will keep everything you’ve already earned.
Naturally those of us who were asleep, myself included, or had other life activities, such as church, football, or family obligations missed out.
Brace yourself. Outrage is coming.
Players who missed out on the 35 free levels, or what is the equivalent of 5250 V-Bucks (150 V-Bucks per tier) are just out of luck here. When V-Bucks sell for $9.99 per 1000 with small V-Buck bonus for larger dollar amounts it is fairly easy to understand why some players might be upset.

On Twitter the #NoTiersNoVbucks hashtag has seen a flurry of Tweets. Most want what is fair. Be warned though, there is a lot of anger out there. In a way it is warranted. Those that spent real money to buy V-Bucks to get tiers, only to see this glitch happen do have a valid point considering the value.
In addition to the hashtag campaign, a Change.org petition for 35 free tiers has been started. At the time of this post there are 1691 signatures. The complaint listed on the petition claims “It’s not fair at all that a part of the community has tier 100 just because there glitched and the other part don’t have anything.”

A petition signee by the name of Brenden went on to comment about the fairness of those that previously paid for tiers.
I bought to tier 100, and I think it’s unfair. I paid money to get the tiers early, and a large amount of people get what I paid for, for free.
Even on Epic Games Fortnite forums there has been outcry about the fairness of fixing the glitch, yet allowing players to keep what they have “earned”.
I’m really mad at this because I wanted to get the white dire soon, and now that I found out that some people got pretty much free XP/tiers while I’m still here working hard to get XP. I find this EXTREMELY unfair how some people could just go to three different locations and get leveled up so quickly. I also think that they should either give us the same reward or at least remove whatever progress others got from this glitch. (I sound salty asf). I payed 30$ for something they got for free… please make this fair epic.
– Snoozy ツ Fortnite Player
In full disclosure, I am a season pass holder for Fortnite. As I previously mentioned, I was asleep and had family obligations during the time the bug was active. Personally, I am not too happy about missing out on the 35 free levels. Those free levels would put me at 100 and free up time for me to play other games.
However, I am more concerned with Epic Games’ response to this bug and what happens going forward. The new precedent currently being set by Epic Games for Fortnite is that if a glitch is found, fully take advantage of it until it is patched. Don’t worry about being punished, “you will keep everything you’ve already earned”.